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Patricia Adams
Sharon Allen
Tina Anderson (Harristv)
Steven Babich
Darlene Balk
Alisha Barber
Brian Barber
Georgianna C. Baughn
Jackie Becker
Karen Beining
Larry Bell
Sharon Bennett
Vicki Berger
Mary Beyer
Sue Blair
Cary Blanck
Sandra Boyd
Janelyn Brandt
Camila Brazgel
Ruby Bridges
Charles Brough
Bernard Brown
Leo Brown
Regina Buckner
Anthony Burks
Linda Burress
Karen Carter
Thomas Carter
Connie Casper
Angie Catanzaro
Cheryl Charles
Sandy Chobot
Greg Churchill
Carlene Cicerello
Mary Claffey (Heisler)
Brenda Clark
Zincent Cleveland
Jerry Coleman
Jackie Cooper
Jeffery Cox
Horace Craft
Vickie Crape (McCoy)
Connie Crayton
Charles Crowley
Sally Dallas
Tom Daniels
Annie Diane Dvorak (Cox)
Gay Dukes
Jeanette Durrah
Diane Dvorak
Colleen Ernster
Anita Eubanks
Sharon Eubanks
Annette Euell
Larry Fitzgerald
Tanjala Ford
Ruth Foster
Donnetta Foxx
Mary A Fuchs
Vickie Fuller
Juan Garcia
Fran Gaston
Eugene Genal
Sandy Gilliam
Jarado Glass
Ricardo Gonzalez
Diane Graef
Charles Grant
Joan Grossmeyer
Cindy Haapakowski
Patricia Hackett
Karen Hackney (Martin)
Crystal F Hafemann
Richard Hall
Kelley Harder (Knoerr)
Christopher Hawkins
Larander Hawthorne
Marty J Heimbach
Jennifer Heisel
Barbara Jean Heyse
James Hightower
Roberto Hosans
Barbara Howard
Mark Italiano
Margaret Jesmok
Kim Johnson
Dawn Jones
Janet Jones
Sue Jones
Lori Junakin
Marilyn L Kirchner (Jablonski)
Susan Kirchner
Peter Klabunde
Camille Koch (Koch-Johnson)
Margaret Koller
Maria Kostopoulos
Sheila Ladd
Robert L. Lee
Janice R Leininger
Roni Liermann
Felice Ligon (Riley)
Angela Lock
Yvonni Lopera
Judeen Luko
Lindsey Macon
Debbie Magee (Spann)
Darryl Mann
Todd Manthe
Karen Martin (Hillion)
Nick Matic
Walt(waldo) McBride
Linda C McCloud
Jeff Meyer
Debi Michalovitz
Kimberly Mixon (Hughes)
Gloria Moman
Eddie Monk
Tracy Muench
Jackie Nelsen
Georgia Osborne
Cynthia Parr (Seymore)
Joseph Parrish
Karen Paulos
Darlene Pearson
Kevin Pearson
Vanessa Pearson
Yvette Perkins
Roseann Perleberg
Richard Pietrowski
Narlene Piggee
Jacqueline Powell
Jessi Pretzel
Alice Pugh
Shelia Ray
Dominque Reiter
Vickie Resch
Scott Richards
Laury Richter
Alice Riley
Vicky Rindahl
Cathy Rivera
Edgar Robertson
Gale Robinson
Tracy Robinson
Bonnie Roby
Linda Rodig
Yvonne Roman
Darlene Rose
Linda Rose
Cleveland Roundtree
Timothy Ruf
Beverly K Rugg (Samuel)
Nancy Ruiz
Oscar Rush
James Sagert
Terryann Scheiderer (Longo)
Authur Scott
Reggie Sellers
Donna Shepard
Judith Simmons (Jackson)
Lisa Smith
Michael Smith
Renee Spaulding (Nissen)
Jeff Stage
Kathy Steffen
Karen Steinbring (Phillips)
Tundra (Tundull) Stewart (Watson)
Sue Stier
Roger Stratton
Belinda Swift
Carol Thompson
Helen Thompson
Ronald Frank Thornton
Lorraine Tillmon
Debra Tobin
Connie Turner
Frank Unser
Sue Wahl
Alvin Walker
Mark Watson
Dan Weber
Ed Weers
Sandra Wells (Burns)
Anita White
Rev James G White
Teresa White
Chris Wiley
Renee Wiley
Barb Wilfert
Sheryl Will
Timothy Winslow
Sharon Winston
Connie Winter (Paxton)
Phil Woods
Brenda Young
Peter Zettel
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